Friday, November 21, 2008

Prep / Happenings

To all my awesome supporters:

Thank you for taking an active stake in my journey to represent our state, our nation, and most importantly you and the sustainable future we all want to see for this world. We are now officially a week away from the beginning of this trip. The Poland Conference and the delegates attending were recently acknowledged by our President-elect Barack Obama who said,

"Few challenges facing America -- and the world -- are more urgent than combating climate change," he said. "Many of you are working to confront this challenge....but too often, Washington has failed to show the same kind of leadership. That will change when I take office."

"Let me also say a special word to the delegates from around the world who will gather in Poland next month: your work is vital to the planet," he said. "While I won’t be President at the time of your meeting and while the United States has only one President at a time, I’ve asked Members of Congress who are attending the conference as observers to report back to me on what they learn there." check out the video here:

Pretty cool, huh? Also, Chairman of the Senate Environmental & Public Works Committee has released a statement today:

"The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee will be represented
next month at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Poznan,
Poland. I am sending my top Committee staff, who will act as my
representatives in meetings with international leaders as they prepare
for a new global agreement to address greenhouse gas emissions, which
will be completed in 2009 in Denmark. In addition, Senator Klobuchar
will be attending and plans to report back to President-elect Obama
and to our Committee. Other Senators from the Committee may join her."

I will also most likely be joined in spirit by our Senator James Inhofe, who sends an aide to every international climate meeting. His name is also Eric. Frankly though, I think its about time Oklahoma is represented by another Oklahoman (me) who will carry with me to Poland not only your hopes for a clean energy economy and sustainable future, but the hopes and dreams of so many Oklahomans working together as a movement on this the most important issue of my generation and generations to come.

SustainUS is getting geared up and is in contact with youth delegations coming from countries around the globe. That's actually why I'm leaving the day after Thanksgiving. All of the international youth will be meeting the weekend before the conference starts to strategize and come up with our best tactics for getting the attention of the official government delegations. Youth delegations have (by tradition) always put on elaborate displays, rallies, etc during the meetings. For instance, youth delegations are the founders of the now traditional "Fossil of the Day Award" that is given to the country that is creating road blocks during deliberations.

Check out part of SustainUS' packing list:
halloween costumes
scuba gear
inflatable baby pool
cardboard Obama cutout
santa hats

Most likely, this will be my last post state-side! Thanks again for all of your support and keep looking for updates!


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