Monday, December 1, 2008

Day 1: Video Blog & More!

Day 1:

We've just ended our first day here at COP 14 in Poznan, Poland. The youth delegation not only from SustainUS, but other youth from the US and around the world are amping up efforts to pressure our officials to action.

Our COY action working group is going full force and we're ready to be a visible force in the halls of the conference.

Also, I attended the "official" US delegation press conference to listen to them not say anything important and then commit to doing very little to work towards progress at COP 14. In addition, there is speculation they will be teaming up with Japan to break up developing countries and impede significant action. We're now strategizing with Japanese youth to see how we can prevent this. Last time Japan teamed up with the US in Bali, an NGO published an ad in a newspaper that had a photo of the Prime Minister of Japan with President Bush on the Titanic. Apparently, when the Prime Minister saw this he openly wept in front of his aides and told them to do whatever it took to reverse their path.

CAN (Climate Action Network) gives out an award everyday to the delegation that has done the most to stop progress at the cop. Today's winner was Poland, I thought this was a little harsh being the host country and all, but apparently they've led efforts to block climate action within the EU.

Here's some other info in a VIDEO!!!!!


Andy SMith said...

Hey Eric, It's your cousin Andy. Glad to see you made it…after the long/adventurous journey. We're very lucky to have you @ COP representing the US, and world on such important issues. I’ll be looking for your picture in USA Today. Keep up the good work and take care. Cheers!

Rae Foster said...

this is perfect...thank you for keeping us informed, i am on pins and needles! keep it up, full force ahead!

Anonymous said...


Sarah said...

I love you so much!! Keep up the good work...i'm sooo pround of you friend!! Stay warm! xoxoxoxo